Bringing photography to life

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INTERNAL COMPETITIONS (all you need to know).

Throughout the year (Jan - Dec) we run a variety of digital and print competitions to encourage members to see their photographs through the eyes of others.

Digitally Projected Images (DPI) we have:
Photographer of the Year (POTY)
Image of the Year
The President's Cup

For Prints we have:
The Jack Levett Challenge
Landscape Photographer of the Year
Portrait Photographer of the Year
The Monochrome Print Challenge
Wildlife Photographer of the Year


Photographer of the Year
The POTY competition is typically a 9-round competition of Digitally Projected Images (DPI), unless otherwise stated.

  1. The annual competition runs from 1st January to mid-November each year.
  2. Club members can submit up to 2 images to each round of the competition, and their lowest scoring round is subtracted from the total for the year.
  3. Submitted images must not have been submitted in any previous POTY rounds. Images used in the Christmas/Summer Fun Competitions, or Be the Judge nights, can be submitted in a POTY round.
  4. The photographer who accumulates the most points by the end of the year wins the silver trophy which is presented at the Club Awards evening held in December.
  5. In each POTY round, one image is selected by the judge as the Image of the Night.

Image of the Year
On the Club Awards night, the Club President selects the Image of the Year from the Image of the Night winners from all the POTY rounds of competition.

The President's Cup
  1. Eligible members are those finishing in places 2 to 6 of the Photographer of the Year competition league table.
  2. The competition takes place at the Club Awards evening held in December each year.
  3. Entries consist of one print not previously entered in a club competition.
  4. Entries will be judged and the winner awarded The President's Cup.

The Jack Levett Challenge
This is a 3-print challenge based on a subject proposed by the last year's winner, and is usually held around April.

For 2025, the subject is REFLECTIONS.
  1. The images must be new and unseen by the club, ideally taken specifically for this challenge.
  2. The images are presented together and judged as a panel.
  3. Images are not given points but the judge will select a 1st, 2nd and 3rd place from all the entries.
  4. The winner receives a trophy which they keep for a year, and a money prize which goes to a charity of their choice.

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Jack Levett was our President until his untimely death in 2002. Well known and respected in the Chelmsford area, as well as being an amateur photographer, Jack was an accomplished organist, choirmaster, brass band member, scout leader and philatelist. Everything he did, he did enthusiastically and well. He tried to encourage our members to take more photos by issuing his annual challenge. He believed strongly that our competitions should not consist of pictures already taken but that we should go out and take pictures specially for the competition. By continuing this tradition, the memory of a much loved and respected member of the community is perpetuated.

Landscape Photographer of the Year
This is a print competition where club members submit no more than two entries.
  1. The competition takes place at the club Awards evening held in December each year.
  2. These images must not have been submitted in any previous club POTY competition.
  3. The definition of Landscape is as follows: the photographing of all elements of the land, mountains, hills, farmland, the coast, bodies of water, whether man-made (or influenced) or not, under varying lighting and weather conditions, in both traditional and abstract forms. Cityscapes and seascapes are included.
  4. The above definition is to be applied to the Landscape round of the POTY.

Portrait Photographer of the Year
This is a print competition where club members submit no more than two entries.
  1. The competition takes place at the club Awards evening held in December each year.
  2. These images must not have been submitted in any previous club POTY competition.
  3. The definition of Portrait is as follows: an image of a person, or an animal.
  4. The above definition is to be applied to the Portrait round of the POTY.

The Monochrome Print Challenge
  1. Each entry must consist of a set of 2 prints, with one image from any of the following categories: after dark, architecture, landscape, portrait.
  2. Each print will be marked out of 20 and the combined scores used to select the winner.
  3. These images must not have been submitted in any previous club POTY competition.
  4. Monochrome Definition: an image is considered to be Monochrome only if it gives the impression of have no colour (i.e., contains only shades of grey which can include pure black and pure white) OR it gives the impression of being a greyscale image that has been toned in one colour across the entire image. (for example, by Sepia, red, gold, etc.)

Wildlife Photographer of the Year
This is a print competition where club members submit no more than two entries.
  1. The competition takes place at the club Awards evening held in December each year.
  2. These images must not have been submitted in any previous club POTY competition.
  3. The definition of Wildlife is as follows: an image of an animal in the wild or in a zoo, but excluding domestic pets.
  4. The above definition is to be applied to the Wildlife round of the POTY.


  1. Prints and digital images compete in separate competitions, unless otherwise stated.
  2. Each member may submit a maximum of two entries per competition, unless otherwise stated.
  3. Images can be entered into internal competitions no more than once, ever.
  4. Entries will be marked out of 20, unless the rules of the competition state otherwise. The Judge's decision shall be final.
  5. Manipulated images are acceptable provided the Author has copyright of all the parts of the images used.
  6. Digitally Projected Images (DPI):
    • Digital images must be saved with a filename in the following format: Title, Author.jpg
    • Image dimensions are as the Author requires and file sizes at least 3 MB are ideal.
    • Digital images must be received by the competition secretary one week before the competition, via email, to
    • If sending files from a Mac computer, please send using a Dropbox or We Transfer link.
    • Deadline for email entries is midnight on the Tuesday one week before the competition.
  7. Prints:
    • Prints are to be labelled with the Author's name and image title.
    • Minimum print size 6 x 8 inches.
    • Maximum mount size 20 x 16 inches.
    • All prints must be mounted securely and in such a way as to not cause damage to other prints.
    • Prints should be registered in the competition venue by 7:45pm on the evening of the competition.


  1. Images must be entirely the work of the photographer, including that if any post processing.
  2. Royalty Free images, Clip Art images, and any purchased images are not permitted.
  3. The use of images or part thereof that was generated by the use of AI, which samples pixels or objects from another photographer's work, is not allowed.
  4. Composite images are allowed provided all components are your own work and do not come from a software library.
  5. The use of "Generative Fill", which samples images produced by others is not allowed.
  6. The use of "Content Aware Fill" or "Delete and Fill Selection" is permitted because these processes sample pixels from within the original image.